Import Addresses/Forwarders

This feature allows you to use 2 types of files to create multiple email addresses or forwarders for your account simultaneously. You may use Excel spreadsheet files (.xls) or comma-separated values sheet, aka CSV, files (.csv), to import the data. (A CSV file is a plain text file that has been given a .csv extension.)

To create this file, you will need to add a series of email addresses and passwords to your spreadsheet or CSV file.

When using a CSV file, you will need to separate your email addresses and passwords consistently, using commas (,), periods (.), or any character of your choosing. These separators are known as delimiters and separate the pieces of information that will be imported for each account.

You should separate each account or forwarder you would like to create using a new row in the spreadsheet or a new line in a CSV file.

You may import the following information:

  • Email address usernames (Example: user1 — you can, but are not required to, include
  • Passwords for email addresses.
  • Email quotas (Example: 10 stands for 10 Megabytes).

A sample CSV file might contain:, Password, 10, Password, 10, Password, 10

note Note: You do not have to use a comma (,) as your delimiter.


Adding email addresses using a spreadsheet or CSV file


  1. In Step 1, select whether you would like to import email accounts or forwarders.
  2. In Step 2, click Choose File to select the file you wish to upload.
  3. In Step 3, select the delimiter you have chosen to use in your file.
    • If you have used a delimiter that is not contained in the list, select the Other option and define the delimiter in the text box on the right.
  4. Click Treat first row as column headers if you have placed column headers in the first row of the file.
  5. Click Next.
  6. Use the pull-down menus on the following page to assign the properties of each delimited value.
    • For example, if you chose to use a comma and input the line account, password, domain, assign account to Email, password to Password, and domain to Domain using the pull-down menus above each value.
    • You can select Ignore for a column that contains unnecessary data.
  7. From the pull-down menu, choose the domain you would like to use for these accounts.
  8. Click Next.
  9. Review the information and click Finish.

You can click Import More to return to the first screen and import additional addresses.

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