Raw Access Logs

Raw access logs are text files that contain information about your visitors and what content on your website they have accessed.


  • Configure Logs
  • Download and View Your Raw Access Logs

Configure Logs

At the main screen, the checkboxes at the top of the page allow archive logs to be included in the /home directory each time the system processes your website's statistics or to set up cPanel to remove the previous month's log.

PICK Remember: Click Save to store your changes.


Download and View Your Raw Access Logs

To download a raw access log, click the desired link under the Domain heading. This action will automatically download the log file to your computer. Once the text file is on your computer, you can open it with your preferred text editor.

Under the Archived Raw Logs heading are the archived logs contained in your /home directory. To download an archived log, click the filename. You can also open the file in your /home directory by accessing it in your CLI and using a text editor.

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